
Weekly Newsletters

In the interest of ‘looking after our environment’, newsletters, most notices, school documents and policies are available online. 

‘The Heights Happenings’

‘The Heights Happenings is our weekly newsletter. A copy of the newsletter is available every Thursday on this website and is sent to families via Sentral. The newsletter is a vital link between school staff and the school community. It includes a range of important information and is our main avenue of communication. Please ensure that you have downloaded Sentral. Paper copies can also be obtained from the office. 



september, 2024

Camp dates

Please remember to check our weekly newsletter for any variation or updates

Year 3 – Gundiwindi Dec 5th – 6th, 2024

Year 4 – The Summit Dec 4th – 5th, 2024

Year 5 – Adekate Oct 23rd – 25th, 2024

Year 6 – Warrnambool Nov 25th – 27th, 2024



Term Dates 2024

Term 1: 29 January (school teachers start) Students start 30 January to 28 March*

Term 2: 15 April to 28 June

Term 3: 15 July to 20 September

Term 4: 7 October to 20 December

* The first day of Term 1 is a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate ​planning to take place for the arrival of students. Each year government schools are provided with four student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting purposes. The remaining three student-free days are determined by each individual school.

School Uniform

Mount Waverley Heights Primary School has a ‘Dress Code’ policy and we ask that our community support this by ensuring their child is in school uniform every school day. The uniform can be purchased at the PSW Waverley store, which is located at 342-350 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley.  Uniforms can be purchased either in person at the store or you can arrange a click and collect.  Their website can be found on the following link –

Our uniforms are supplied by PSW and are of an excellent quality. The school logo features on our polo shirts and jackets which is important in establishing a strong sense of school identity and pride. The school colours are navy blue and teal with many different clothing options available to cater to the various seasonal needs and preferences of students.

Uniform Price List & Sizing Chart

The price list below is effective from November 2023 until further notice.

  • PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD’S NAME is marked clearly on EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING (including raincoat, shoes, etc.) and EVERY PERSONAL BELONGING.

Parents, please note that the following are not permitted as part of the school uniform: Jewellery – except for watches and one pair of earrings (plain studs preferred) Make-up or nail polish

Outside School Hours Care


Welcome to Extend – Outside School Hours Care

Since 2002, our goal at Extend has been to enrich the lives of children through out our school hours programs. As a national organisation, Extend caters daily for thousands of children in Independent, Catholic and Government schools across Australia. Our focus is quality for kids, safety, respect, and of course, FUN!

Our Session Times:

Monday – Friday (7:00 – 9.00am) and (3:30 – 6:30pm)

We encourage healthy eating by providing nutritional food. Families of children with specific dietary needs are asked to speak with the service Team Leader to ensure that an appropriate menu can be provided that is inclusive of all children.

Extend also offer a Holiday Program during school holidays and on curriculum days.  Children who are commencing Prep, can attend the January Holiday Program in the year they are to start school.

Please contact our Head Office on 1300 366 437 so we can discuss our program, costing and bookings information with you, or visit our website


Internal Transition

To help support students as they transition from one class to another we hold internal transitions sessions towards the end of Term 4 which provide opportunities for all students to experience the new year level ahead, becoming familiar with the new setting and developing an understanding of the expectations and opportunities available in the coming year.

As part of the transition from one class to another we have introduced ‘Information Exchange’ interviews and information sheets to aid the passing on of information from parents to their child’s new teacher for the coming year. Teachers also spend time during our Professional Learning sessions completing a handover at the beginning of each year to ensure that information of an academic, social and emotional nature are passed on from one teacher to the next.

Prep Transition

Information on Prep Transition can be found on the Enrolment page.

Yr 7 Transition

The decision about which secondary school your child will attend is an important one. When considering which school would be more likely to suit your child’s educational needs, you may also wish to discuss the matter with your child’s Year 6 teacher or primary school principal who will be able to provide personalised and customised advice. You should also take the time to visit secondary school open days and attend information nights.

All students under the age of eighteen years are entitled to a place in a Victorian Government school. They are guaranteed a place in their neighbourhood school, but may choose any other school in which space is available. The designated neighbourhood school is defined as the secondary school which is nearest to the student’s permanent residential address measured in a straight line distance.

Applications for Enrolment (Year 7) are distributed with secondary education information to parents with students in Year 6, in Term 2 each year. Parents are asked to indicate on the Application for Enrolment form which secondary school they would prefer their child to attend the following year and parents are usually notified of their child’s Year 7 placement by the end of August each year.


The principles of the neighbourhood school policy are:

  • to guarantee the right of each child to a place in the designated neighbourhood school.
  • wherever practical, to provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to enrol their child at the same school as that being attended by an older brother or sister who resides permanently at the same address.
  • to allow parents not wishing to send their child to the neighbourhood school to select any other school in which space is available.
  • to contain enrolments in each school within the limits of available resources as determined by the Regional Director.

Most secondary schools will conduct information nights before you need to make a decision. If you have lost or misplaced the Application for Enrolment, please contact the School Office.